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2020 Shows

Dr. Mario Enzler on Pope John Paul II

March 14, 2020

Saint John Paul II will forever be known as one of the Roman Catholic Church’s most inspirational leaders. Having served the second-longest term as Pope in history, St. John Paul continues to be revered by Catholics and non-Catholics around the world. What was it like working with him? With Michael Connors this weekend on Ask the Lawyer is Dr. Mario Enzler, business professor at Catholic University of America and former Swiss Guardsman, who writes of his time spent with and what he learned from His Holiness in a new book: “I Served a Saint.”
Also, Mike looks at celebrating St. Patrick Day with Michael P. Foley. The Baylor University professor has a new book, “Drinking With Your Patron Saints,” where he pairs up fine spirits with the Saints who protect us.
In addition, Daniela Campoli Laccona and Kristen LaBoy of Connors and Sullivan joins Mike to discuss estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs.

Barry Corbin

March 07, 2020

You know Barry Corbin from Lonesome Dove, War Games, Dallas, or perhaps Northern Exposure or as a Sherriff in many of his roles. What you might not know is his wide range of acting credits span from plays by William Shakespeare to comedy starring Charlie Sheen.

Corbin talks with Mike Connors on this week’s Ask the Lawyer about his career and life including his most interesting and memorable roles. He will also soon appear on an episode of “911 Lone Star.”

Mike also welcomes Richard O’Mara about the upcoming Bay Ridge St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which will commence on March 22, 2020.

In addition, Connors and Sullivan Attorney Kelly Decker joins Mike to discuss estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs.

The 18 Black Athletes on the 1936 U.S. Summer Olympic Team

February 29, 2020

The 1936 Olympics was to be the showcase for Adolph Hitler to showcase his Aryan athletes, but the man who stole the spotlight was the great Jesse Owens. While the track superstar is synonymous with that year’s summer competition, there were 18 stellar African-American athletes who were part of the U.S. team. Film Maker Deborah Riley Draper tells host Michael Connors their stories on this week’s Ask the Lawyer. Draper’s book and documentary are titled Olympic Pride, American ...Prejudice, where she reveals the discriminatory treatment these talented Americans got in Nazi Germany and in their one home nation.

Michael also welcomes Elder and Family Advocate Barbara Speedling, who discusses care for elderly parents who are suffering from #Alzheimer’s Disease, #dementia and brain trauma.

In addition, Connors and Sullivan Attorney Adriana joins Mike to discuss estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs.

Jeremy Beer on Negro Leagues Great Oscar Charleston

February 22, 2020

Bill James ranked Oscar Charleston as the fourth greatest player in #baseball history. The five-tool Negro Leagues star hit for power as well as average, ran well, was a stellar defender and one of the games great minds as he was entrusted as a manager both during and after his playing days. Charleston was both revered and misunderstood as he was not only known for on-field excellence, but also his propensity for getting into physical altercations.

Entrepreneur, philanthropis...t and baseball fan Jeremy Beer looks deep into Charletson’s career and life in his new book, “OSCAR CHARLESTON: The Life and Legend of Baseball’s Greatest Forgotten Player.” Beer joins Mike on this week’s Ask the Lawyer.

Frank Melia, Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist at Quantic Bank, joins Mike this week as he discusses the ins and outs of reverse mortgages, how they work and rules on the new jumbo reverse mortgages.

Connors and Sullivan Attorney Justin Daley will also be with Mike to discuss estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs.

Brian Burch of & our 2014 Orson Bean interview

February 15, 2020

It has been over a year since social and mainstream media zealots smeared 16-year-old Nick Sandman as “evil,” a “Nazi” and “racist” for standing up for himself against an antagonist at a pro-life march. Since then, with the help of, the young man was able to weather death threats and the tarnishing of his reputation and win lawsuits against irresponsible media for maliciously skewering him. Brian Burch, President of, discusses what happened w...ith the young Sandman and his family as well as a look at Catholic issues for the 2020 elections.

As a tribute to Orson Bean, we will re-play Mike’s past interview with the actor, who passed away last week after a vehicle accident.

In addition, Mike answers your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

The creator of the new Clarence Thomas documentary & Father Paul

February 08, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has had a distinguished career revered by many, derided by some. While we know the public Justice Thomas, we learn more about who he really is through a new documentary about his life by Manifold Productions.
“Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words” is playing in theaters across America now; its creator and director, Michael Pack, joins Mike Connors on this week’s Ask the Lawyer.
Pack talks about the creation of the film, taken ...from over 30 hours of discussions with Justice Thomas about his life as a young son of a single mom in a Pin Point, Georgia, being homeless at times, his coming of age politically and what led to him being inducted into the Supreme Court.
Also, Father Paul Bielecki talks with Mike about the current state of affairs in the Middle East, the persecution of Christians there and his hospital mission in Lebanon.
In addition, Daniela Campoli and Kristen LaBoy of Connors and Sullivan joins Mike to answer your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

Rev. Dr. Alveda King, Charles Coulombe & Anthony Shaffer

February 01, 2020

We kick off our special series of Black History Month conversations this weekend with Rev. Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn for Priests for Life.

Rev. Dr. King talks with Mike Connors about the legacy of her uncle, what Dr. King would think of the discourse today and her continued fight for pro-life issues including what it meant for the movement and for her to see President Trump speak at last weekend’s Ma...rch for Life.

Mike also welcomes Charles A. Coulombe, historian and Contributing Editor at Crisis Magazine about the Catholic Case against impeachment.

Mike also has a conversation with Anthony Shaffer, homeland security expert and Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research as they look at plans moving forward concerning the Coronavirus coming out of China and other issues.

Connors and Sullivan attorney Mel Jose joins Mike to answer your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

The Story of a Dutch couple who saved many from the Nazi Holocaust

January 25, 2020

It was a trip to the Yad Vashem museum where Marty Brounstein would learn of Frans and Mien Wijnakker, a Dutch Catholic couple who would save many Jewish people from the Nazis when they occupied the Netherlands during World War 2. The Wijnakkers would hide those who the Germans were seeking in their rural home and help them on the way to escape. Marty tells their story in his book, “Two Among the Righteous Few,” and to Michael Connors on this week’s Ask the Lawyer as the worl...d remembers the 75th Anniversary of the defeat of the Germans and liberation of concentration camps this year.

Marty also reveals a very personal connection to the Wijnakkers.

Also, Mike welcomes Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, who is running for Congress in New York’s 11th District. She discusses New York’s new no-bail policy, the impeachment and other top national issues.

Connors and Sullivan attorney Josias Carrion Rivera joins Mike to answer your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

Robert Spencer & Tim Wilson

January 18, 2020

Will there ever be a truly peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute? Western politicians have publicly claimed they can help make it happen but soon find it to be more complicated than they had hoped. Robert Spencer, Director of #JihadWatch and author of the new book, “The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process,” says thousands of years of animosity and enmity are not easy to repair with a few meetings and a piece of paper.... Spencer talks with Mike Connors on this week’s Ask the Lawyer, where he also discusses the Jihadists’ disdain for #Israel’s establishment since the end of World War II and complications involved with any attempt at a truce.

Spencer also talks about the recent escalation of the US-Iran dispute.

In addition, Mike welcomes once again Tim Wilson of the London Institute. The former British Armed Forces officer discusses how to survive a nuclear attack by terrorists, should one happen.

Connors and Sullivan attorney Nick Khalifeh joins Mike to answer your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

Samuel Mitchum on the Cause of the Civil War; Buzz Patterson Runs for Congress

January 11, 2020

Despite what we are taught in schools, slavery was not the only reason the #CivilWar started. Professor Samuel Mitchum, Jr. tells Mike Connors on this week’s Ask the Lawyer tensions have been brewing for several years before #Lincoln’s election between the more heavily-populated northern and agriculturally-driven southern states.

Mitchum, whose newest book, “It Wasn’t About Slavery: Exposing the Great Lie of the Civil War,” peers underneath the surface and digs into the southern states’ issues with the north like their disdain for being forced to fund Washington through hefty tariffs as well as the northern leaders’ push to strengthen the federal government and de-emphasize states’ rights.

Also, Mike welcomes #Congressional Candidate Buzz Patterson, who is running as a Republican in #California’s 7th district. Lt. Col. Patterson used to carry the nuclear football for President Bill Clinton and has written several books criticizing the Democrats’ foreign policy and treatment of the U.S. military.

In addition, Connors and Sullivan attorney Lloyd Zhang joins Mike to answer your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

Burgess Owens' Congressional run & H.W. Brands on old western pioneers

January 04, 2020

Burgess Owens’ campaign for #Congress in Utah’s 4th district is marching onward and the former New York #Jets player will talk about it with Mike Connors on this week’s Ask the Lawyer.

Owens will discuss some of the top issues of #Election2020, thoughts on an impending #impeachment and address accusations of racism hurled at President Donald Trump from the Democrat Party’s Socialist wing.

In addition, Historian H. W. Brands will talk with Mike about the early settlers and fortune-seekers who went west of the Mississippi as chronicled in his latest book, “Dreams of El Dorado: A History of the American West”

In addition, Connors and Sullivan attorney Kelly Decker joins Mike to answer your questions about estate planning, elder law, #probate, #wills and how to protect your assets from probate and nursing home costs. Send us your questions at

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