ASK THE LAWYER with Mike Connors

Mike Connors honored as Kings County American Legion's 2016 Humanitarian of the Year
Michael Connors was honored by the Kings County American Legion with the Thomas Colasanto Humanitarian of the Year Award on April 10, 2016 at Garguilo's for his work and efforts to help his community.
In a special proclaimation, New York State Senator Martin Golden wrote: " Michael N. Connors has given not only of his time and ener- gies but also of his competence, intelligence and leadership and conse- quently has been designated for special honor."

Michael Connors receives Jim Gay Award
The Brooklyn Conservative Party honored Michael Connors for his longtime service and devotion to their work and causes the Jim Gay Award. To the left is the Bay Ridge Spectator article writtn by Gerard Kassar about the ceremony.

Beloved Brooklyn Priest Receives Father Vincent Capodanno Award at the Kings County Catholic War Veterans' Dinner Honoring Italian-Americans Who Defended Our Nation
Father Anthony Vincent Dell’Anno received the first annual Father Vincent Capodanno Award on October 2, 2014 at The Kings County (NY) Chapter of the Catholic War Veterans' Annual Dinner Honoring Italian-Americans Who Defended Our Nation.
Father Dell’Anno, who recently celebrated 45 years of ordination, has served as the chapter’s national chaplain, and as Chaplain of the New York chapter of Catholic War Veterans, having been with the organization for 36 years. He is a 4th Degree Member of the Knights of Columbus and the Chaplain for Cardinal Stritch Council #4661.
Father Dell’Anno says it’s a privilege to be able to work with our veterans who have given so much to our country. Whether he is leading the Veterans in prayer or offering Mass at meetings and Conventions, Father Dell’Anno always says he feels truly honored.
The award is given each year to someone who exemplifies the teachings and selfless life of Father Capodanno, who was a missionary in the Far East before serving as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. Capodanno was in the field with the 1st Battalion 5th Marines during Operation Swift when the unit encountered a large group of North Vietnamese soldiers. Already injured, Father Capodanno still gave last rites to the dying Marines until he was killed by enemy machine gun fire. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his selfless sacrifice. The U.S.S. Capodanno is named after him.
Ask the Lawyer with Mike Connors and Connors & Sullivan, Attorneys at Law were sponsors of the event.

Connors & Sullivan announces November seminars
Connors & Sullivan will host two seminars in November, 2014.
What would you like to know about estate planning, probate, taxes, wills, trusts, health care proxies and saving your money from nursing home costs?
Reserve your space at one of Connors & Sullivan's upcoming seminars and ask Mike Connors in person. Call us to reserve your space today: 718-238-6500. Also, visit our website:

Reaching Out Community Services gears up for its 6th Annual "Walk Against Hunger"
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Reaching Out Community Services in Brooklyn will host its 6th Annual "Walk Against Hunger" on October 4th, 2014. Registration for the fundraising event will begin 9:30am at Milestone Park on 18th Avenue between 81st and 82nd Streets.
The "Walk Against Hunger" will start at 11am along 18th Avenue to 65th Street then participants return back to the park.
Pet owners are encouragede to bring along their dogs to join them for the walk.
For more information, contact Reaching Out Community Services at (718) 373-4565

Kings County Catholic War Veterans to present the 1st Annual Father Vincent Capodanno Award
This year’s annual Kings County Catholic War Veterans Dinner will be a special one as the group will present its first annual Father Vincent Capodanno Award.
The honor will be given each year to someone who exemplifies the teachings and selfless life of Father Capodanno, who was a missionary in the Far East before serving as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. Capodanno was in the field with the 1st Battalion 5th Marines during Operation Swift when the unit encountered a large group of North Vietnamese soldiers. Already injured, Father Capodanno still gave last rites to the dying Marines until he was killed by enemy machine gun fire. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his selfless sacrifice. The U.S.S. Capodanno is named after him.
The Kings County Catholic War Veterans Dinner will take place on October 2nd at the Rex Manor on 1100 60th Street in Brooklyn, New York. For more information and reservations, call 718-238-6500 and ask for Monica.

Dominick Quartuccio exhibits photos at the San Gennaro Festival
Photographer Dominick Quartuccio displays his work at the 2014 San Gennaro Festival in New York beginning September 19th. Quartuccio will display mural-size photos of the 1940 San Genarro Festival on the corner of Prince and Mulberry Streets at St. Patrick's Old Cathedral.

Standing O Reviews Ask the Lawyer's Anniversary Show
Standing O's Joanna DelBuono was at the special Ask the Lawyer AM 970 Anniversary Gala and Live Radio Show on August 5 and write a nice review about it.

Connors & Sullivan September Seminars
Connors & Sullivan will host three seminars in September. What would you like to know about estate planning, probate, taxes, wills, trusts, health care proxies and saving your money from nursing home costs? Reserve your space at one of Connors & Sullivan's upcoming September seminars and ask Mike Connors in person. Call us to reserve your space today: 718-238-6500

Dinesh D'Souza's "America" playng now in the NYC-Metro area
"America: What Would the World Do Without Her?" - the documentary by Dinesh D'Souze (our 7/15 show guest) - is playing to full theaters across the country. You can see it in the NY-Metro region at these theaters:
UA Kaufman Astoria Theater & RPX, Astoria, NY.
Kew Gardens 6, Kew Gardens, NY
Regal Nanuet Mall Stadium, Nanuet, NY
Regal New Rock Stadium 18, New Rochelle, NY
AMC Empire 25 IMAX & ETX, Manhattan, NY
UA Union Square 14, Manhattan, NY
AMC Loews Port Chester IMAX, Port Chester, NY
Bow Tie Port Washington Cinemas 7, Port Washington, NY
UA Staten Island Stadium 16 & IMAX, Staten Island, NY
AMC Loews Stony Brook 17 IMAX, Stony Brook, NY
AMC Loews Palisaides Center 21, West Nyack, NY
NA City Center 15 IMAX - Cinema De Lux, White Plains, NY
For more screenings across the US, click here.

New Feature Film Featuring Christian Band Hillside Coming in 2015
The full-length feature documentary, directed by Michael John Warren (Jay-Z’s “Fade to Black”), chronicles the spectacular rise to prominence of the Australia-based Christian worship band Hillsong UNITED. Matthew Weaver of MediaWeaver Entertainment and Jonathan Bock of Grace Hill Media are producing. B. Wayne Hughes, Jr. and Greg Campbell of Cantinas Entertainment, which is financing the feature, are executive producing. Warner Bros. Pictures will release the film on April 3, 2015.
The movie will present the band’s remarkable journey from a youth group band at Hillsong Church to worldwide sensation, routinely performing sold-out stadium concerts and selling more than 16 million albums all over the world.
In a joint statement, Kosove and Johnson said, “In terms of reach, Hillsong UNITED is one of the biggest bands out there, Christian or otherwise. But at their core, they’re just a group of unassuming individuals impacting the world with their music. We’re thrilled to be part of bringing their extraordinary story to the big screen.”
Led by Joel Houston, son of Hillsong Church founders Brian and Bobbie Houston, all of Hillsong UNITED’s 11-member band are volunteers or employees of the church. Their songs are so popular is it estimated that on any given Sunday, more than 30 million churchgoers around the world are singing one of Hillsong’s worship songs.

Ray Liotta to star in "The Identical"
Ray Liotta (GOODFELLAS), Ashley Judd (DIVERGENT), and up-and-coming Blake Rayne leads the star-studded cast of THE IDENTICAL, a film that magnifies the wisdom of God and the perfection of His plan through the story of twin brothers separated at birth. While one grows to become an international rock star, the other is restricted by the dominating will of his father, a preacher (RAY LIOTTA) who feels his son’s calling is in the ministry. The tale unfolds to reveal that God’s glory is not limited to a church: it is our use of the talents He gives us that act to further His kingdom. The story is bookended and filled with matters of trust, love, and forgiveness, among other explicit and implicit connections to faith.